📢 Latest: I'm a Ph.D. candidate now!
- 10/14/2024 🖥️ We have released the code of DeformPAM.
- 11/05/2023 🖥️ We have released the code of our CoRL 2023 paper UniFolding.
- 10/31/2023 🎓 Passed my classes and research qualifications, I'm a Ph.D. candidate now!
- 08/31/2023 🎉 One paper (UniFolding) is accepted by CoRL 2023!
- 07/14/2023 🔥 One paper (ClothPose) is accepted by ICCV 2023 as an oral presentation!
- 05/13/2023 🎉 One paper (RFUniverse) is accepted by RSS 2023!
- 02/28/2023 🎉 Two papers (GarmentTracking and VTaCo) are accepted by CVPR 2023!